> Hold a Great British Bake Sale
Whether you want to host a one-off bake sale or join in with the #GBBOTwitterBakeAlong to master a different bake each week, sell your baked creations to your friends, family and colleagues and raise funds for Lucy AAC – Don’t forget your Lucy AAC cake toppers!
> Great British Bake Off sweepstake
Download our Great British Bake Off Sweepstake kit, cut out the 12 baker cards, pop them in a hat and ask your colleagues for a donation to pick one out. If your baker gets kicked out then it’s your turn to bake for the office that week. The person who has picked the GBBO winner keeps half of the money and the rest is donated to Lucy AAC!
How your money helps
£5 will pay for a CPAP bonnet that will support a child’s breathing during a flight.
£25 will pay for ECG dots to help monitor a child’s heart activity during a flight.
£50 will pay for an infant warming mattress to prevent the risk of pneumonia during a flight.
Sending in your money
By bank transfer:
Name: Lucy Air Ambulance for Children
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00029128
Reference: GBBO – [your name]
By cheque:
Please make all cheques payable to ‘Lucy Air Ambulance for Children’. Please include a note with your full name, address and say you were taking part in a Great British Bake Off fundraiser. Send any cheques to: Lucy Air Ambulance for Children, CAN Mezzanine, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR.