Inspiration for the design of the cards comes from the children’s book ‘Heroic Henry Goes to London’. Lucy AAC flew Henry to a hospital closer to home in Leeds after he received major complex surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). After he was discharged, his talented family and friends created a book about Henry’s adventure to GOSH called ‘Heroic Henry goes to London’. Sami Freeman, the book designer, helped us design our 2019 Christmas card to feature Heroic Henry and help fund Lucy AAC transfers this Christmas.
We would like to thank Sami for her incredibly thoughtful design work and our friends at P H Print who printed the Christmas cards free of charge.
Available now, the Lucy AAC Christmas cards are available in packs of 10 for a suggested donation of £5. 100% of profits will go towards funding Lucy Air Ambulance for Children transfers this Christmas.
Get your Christmas cards here: