Southampton > Rotherham
200 miles
First time parents, Harry and Monde, were in the process of relocating from Southampton to Sheffield when their son Elijah was born 9 weeks early. Elijah was born at the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton and was placed into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as he required extra support and specialist care to grow strong enough to be discharged home.

Harry had already started his new job as a doctor in Sheffield when Elijah was born and soon after his birth he needed to return to Sheffield for work. He dreaded being separated from Monde and Elijah by such a vast distance. Elijah faced a long hospital stay which made it essential that he was moved to a hospital closer to home, so that the family could be reunited and continue with their relocation.

Knowing how important bonding is for families in the first few months, Lucy Air Ambulance for Children (Lucy AAC) wanted to reunite this family as soon as possible. We flew Elijah, accompanied by Monde, the 200-mile distance from Southampton to Doncaster. From there, we took Elijah and Monde to Rotherham General Hospital where our Flight Team handed him over to the NICU team that would be looking after him until he was discharged home. The family were finally reunited and could start their new life together.

Harry and Monde were close enough to the hospital to be able to visit Elijah everyday and focus on his health. Harry no longer had to worry about Elijah’s progress and Monde’s wellbeing as he was now able to be part of it all. The couple faced tough decisions together and supported each other through Elijah’s time in the NICU, all whilst settling down in their new home and navigating a new city. Surrounded by his parents and the amazing team at Rotherham General Hospital, Elijah grew strong enough to be discharged home. The family is now enjoying life as a family of three in their brand new home in Sheffield.
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