Like businesses everywhere, we aim to establish credibility and develop a loyal and growing customer base. Our size does not affect the quality of our work, it just enhances the passion behind it! We want to work with businesses – of any size – that will stimulate our ideas and support our growth. We want to challenge established players and become leaders in our field. We want forward thinking companies to join our team.
We give our customer’s great service with a personal touch
Our ‘customers’ are the families we work with and our wonderful supporters. When they call us they are never put through to a call centre – they get one of the five of us who know our service inside out and can help them with any queries they may have.
Our professional service has a personal touch – every child we transfer receives a Lucy Bear and a mini passport with details of their flight and the medical team who looked after them.
When someone donates an ACTUAL PERSON does a happy dance
You know that feeling when a customer buys something that you have put your heart and soul in to, you have worked on for months, that thing that you really believe is a great product – that’s what it feels like for us when someone donates.
We KNOW our charity is a great cause and when someone donates their money or time, we literally do a little wiggle in our office chairs! We get so excited!
Oh, and this stands for any size donation. You don’t need lots of OO’s to get our attention.
We’re a speed boat not a ship
Okay, this one may sound a little far-fetched but let me explain. Think of large charities as ships and small charities as speed boats. Large charities may take a long time to get up speed or to change direction however, once they are moving, they are very hard to stop and everyone notices them. Small charities are speedboats. We operate flexibly, quickly responding to changes in our environment (making quick turns when necessary) and we don’t carry much baggage. We won’t be chosen for every trip but when we are chosen you will get the best service available.
We’re moving forward
We are currently conducting research to make sure we are helping every child in the UK that needs a planned transfer between hospitals. Every child is entitled to appropriate care and treatment – we are making sure that happens. Will you help us?