With your help we can reach every child that needs us
With your help we can reach every child that needs us
Lucy Air Ambulance for Children is the only charity in the UK that flies children to hospital by aeroplane. We are currently only able to fly 2 out of every 4 children that need our service. Your support will help ensure that we reach every child that needs us.
Donate to Lucy Air Ambulance for Children
Every donation changes a child's life
Unable to donate right now? Here's some ways you can still support us:
- Follow Lucy Air Ambulance for Children on social media.
Please like, comment and share our posts – every time you interact with our page, you are helping to grow awareness of our Charity.
- Connect us with people who might be able to help us.
Do you know any organisations or anyone who is looking to support a small charity where they can make a real difference? If so, please email the Lucy AAC Team by clicking the button below.
- Nominate us for Charity of the Year.
Does your work or your child’s school/nursery have a charity of the year? If so, we would really appreciate it if you could nominate Lucy Air Ambulance for Children! Small charities are often overlooked when people are voting for their charity of the year, so we would really appreciate it if you could help us shout about our work.