Trusts & Foundations
Trusts and Foundations
Trusts and Foundations
Donations from trusts and foundations have a significant impact on our small charity’s work. We receive no government funding and rely on generous donations from Trusts and Foundations to ensure our service can continue to change children’s lives across the UK.
Every week a child is referred to our Charity needing a transfer by plane between hospitals. We work closely with the NHS to provide these transfers so that children can receive the specialist care and treatment they need, wherever they are in the UK. Our small charity is a key part of the NHS’ infrastructure. We provide an independent service that does not require any NHS resource but exists to facilitate and support NHS care.
We never want to let a child down
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we flew every child who needed an aeroplane transfer and supported the NHS in any way we could. However, Covid-19 has hit our small charity hard. We lost our most sustainable income streams due to Covid-19 and 18 months later, fundraising is still unpredictable.
We want to reach every child that needs us, but we can only do this with your support. Donations from trusts and foundations have been a lifeline for our charity in the past year. We are relying on this funding stream now more than ever before and we do not see this changing in the next year. If you are able, we hope you will consider making a donation to Lucy AAC. We need to raise £27,500 each month to remain operational and keep our service open for the children who need us.
Here are some of the ways your donation can help:
- £250 could pay for single-use medical items which are essential for a child’s care – these items include disposable skin temperature probes, ECG dots to monitor a child’s heart rate during a transfer and NCPAP bonnets to help a premature baby breathe comfortably during a transfer.
- £1,250 could pay for the road ambulances at both referring and receiving ends.
- £1,750 could pay for the medical staff needed during a transfer – each flight is staffed with either a consultant neonatologist/paediatrician, a flight nurse and a paramedic.
- £5,250 could pay for all the aircraft costs including fuel, landing and handling fees and parking.
- £8,500 could pay for the entire transfer for one child (average transfer cost).
Thank you to our current funders
The Tula Trust
PF Charitable Trust
The ISTAT Foundation
CSIS Charity Fund
Souter Charitable Trust
Morrisons Foundation
The Sobell Foundation
Hospital Saturday Fund
Annie Tranmer Charitable Trust
Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust
The Albert Hunt Trust
The Hobson Charity